Allow me to introduce myself...
Hello and welcome to horse people of every discipline, experience level and breed affiliation!
My name is Susan Kauffmann, and I am a professional equestrian journalist and trainer who has been involved in many facets of the horse industry for over 30 years. I write regularly for such publications as EQUUS magazine and Canada's WESTERN HORSE REVIEW, specializing in health-related topics and natural horsemanship style training.
The purpose of this blog is to share my knowledge and opinions with other horse people in a more direct and interactive way than my articles allow. I hope that it might benefit some horses (and their people) out there, as I am passionate about equine welfare and would like to see every horse happy, healthy and in harmony with its owner.
As for my own horse, I have a lovely, 10 year old Morgan gelding named Gryphon whom I ride barefoot, bitless and in a treeless saddle. Gryphon is extremely sensitive, intelligent and absolutely amazing to work with and ride. He is also insulin resistant, which requires that he have a special, low-carb diet and an appropriate environment -- but more about that later. Despite the difficulties of coping with his condition, I simply can't imagine life without this glorious, fascinating partner.
I am new to the whole blogging phenomenon, but will try to get this going in a reader-friendly, useful way. Thank you for visiting my blog.
Very best,
Susan Kauffmann